The therapeutically and medically beneficial cannabidiol is extracted from the cannabis plant. Legally available products are made using hemp plant extracts that have less than 0.3% of THC; this ensures that there is no high after consuming it. This is especially true after the US Farm Act of 2018 that legalized its industrial cultivation for medical and research purposes. Since then, a wide variety of hemp products became available in the market, and there is confusion about them among its customers. This article will give you a better understanding of medical-grade hemp; read on to know more about it.
What Is Hemp?
The scientific name of the hemp plant is Cannabis Sativa, and it is one of the earliest domesticated plants. Most of its parts are useful, and they can be turned into items fit for consumption, as well as other uses. For example, its leaves and flowers are rich in phytocannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) that is used as the main ingredient in many health and wellness products. Its seeds have high nutritional value and are considered a superfood by scientists. Also, hemp seed oil has high amounts of essential fatty acids, and because of this, it is used in skincare products. Its stalk is used for making paper, textiles, and cordage because of its high tensile strength.
What Is Medical Grade Hemp?
According to the US Farm Act of 2018, medical-grade hemp can contain only up to 0.3% of THC, and its major cannabinoid must be cannabidiol (CBD). Besides, it must be cultivated organically, under specific growing conditions. This is because the plant easily absorbs contaminants present in the soil and water used for growing it. They reduce the quality of products like CBD oil and other extracts made using it. Also, keep in mind that if the percentage of THC is more than 0.3%, it falls under the category of marijuana that is illegal in the US.
Historical Uses Of Medical Hemp
Because of the medical properties of cannabinoids contained in the hemp plant like CBD and THC, it has been used in oriental medical practices for thousands of years. For example, according to ancient writings, the paste made from the dried roots of the plant is used by Chinese herbalists to reduce pain from surgery and broken bones. Likewise, the roots are boiled or juiced and used for purposes like reducing pain and swelling, stopping bleeding during/after childbirth, etc. Even the ancient Romans used the hemp plant for various therapeutic and medical purposes. In the 18th century, English physicians used it for reducing pain due to sciatica and pelvic joint issues.
We hope that the details shared above clarified your doubts about medical-grade hemp and will help in your purchase of products made using it.