CBD Health Benefits

The purported advantages of cannabidiol have been nigh-impossible to overlook over the last few years. Many A-list celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian, extoll CBD’s stress-busting properties. At the same time, there has also been new research on how cannabidiol may play a role in ever-increasing health aspects. Research has discovered that over 60% of individuals use cannabidiol for sleep, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. At the same time, many people are in search of further CBD health benefits.

Menstruation And Endometriosis

Cannabidiol can alleviate pelvic pain, so it is likely to aid in soothing periods and the pain associated with endometriosis. There has not been any study on cannabidiol and periods-related pain, but one is in the pipeline and existing research indicates what the outcome might be. As per a recent study, cannabis seems to be efficacious as a product for not just pelvic pain but also mood and gastrointestinal problems. Meanwhile, earlier research suggests that cannabinoids hold promise as treatment options for inflammation and pain.

Now, how can a woman use it for help about the time she experiences menstruation issues? Experts recommend consuming cannabidiol oil weekly before one’s period is expected to start. Then, when it starts, experts suggest mixing some drops of cannabidiol with a teaspoon of shea butter or coconut oil and massaging circularly from the abdomen to the lower body.

There is preliminary proof that cannabidiol could help people with postmenstrual syndrome and endometriosis. PMS causes sexual discomfort, abdomen-related cramps, and long periods as well as impacts 11% of American women. As per a study on how women best tackled their PMS symptoms, cannabis users found the self-rated efficacy of cannabis to be the highest. Another recent study discovered that cannabidiol appeared to keep the endometrial cyst development in check. Keep reading this CBD benefits list to learn more.

CBD For Sex And Sleep

Consistently finding it difficult to start sleeping can contribute to health issues such as depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, brain fog, and so forth. That is where cannabidiol can come in, as there is proof that its relaxing properties can help people with sleep.

Further, if you have sexual anxiety, the cannabidiol may aid you in having a desire for sex. The clitoris has the so-called TRPA1 cannabinoid receptor. When activated, the cannabinoid receptor causes nitric oxide to go up, which increases blood circulation and sensitivity.