CBD Marketing Campaign

Cannabidiol brands encounter unique challenges, which include regulatory framework-related challenges and greater complexity in getting financial services. However, the biggest hurdle in the CBD industry may be about marketing items and navigating the orders of digital advertising platforms.

Are you thinking about starting a CBD marketing campaign on social media? If so, be aware that platforms such as Google, Instagram, and Facebook have different rules about CBD advertising. Here, we will discuss some of those rules about CBD digital marketing.

Confusing Legal Causes Of CBD Advertising

The US legalized cannabidiol items with only up to 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. Since then, the cannabidiol industry has been having a moment. In a few months of the cannabis legalization, a Gallup survey discovered that one out of seven American adults used CBD products. That number has increased over the last two years.

Nonetheless, the regulatory and legal environment has not been fast enough to keep up with customer preferences and federal legislation. The FDA is yet to classify cannabidiol as a new dietary supplement. Not every US state follows federal legislation, so regulations about CBD can vary by state.

This situation makes several digital platforms formally restrict or prohibit CBD advertisements. However, some still let CBD brands advertise because of wanting the advertisement revenue or recognizing CBD’s federal legality. It seems confusing, so here, we will discuss some platforms with similar rules and lack consistency in enforcing those rules.


The most widely utilized social networking website in the world generally classifies cannabidiol as an unsafe substance or a drug. Nonetheless, Facebook once relaxed its rules slightly. CBD brands could advertise without mentioning cannabidiol in their ads or where they link to, including landing pages, images, and videos.

Facebook further relaxed its rules to let hemp topical items proclaim their identity. However, several vendors of those products and other cannabis derivatives report that Facebook’s algorithm rejects their advertisements.


While there are some rules on Snapchat like Facebook rules, those are less or more restrictive. Snapchat is among the first social networking platforms to permit the utilization of the word CBD on it. However, some of its rules concern the following.

  • Not displaying ingestible items
  • Not glamorizing the item with smiling individuals in the advertisements
  • Not stating what the item does
  • Not featuring reviews or testimonials from media outlets with a good reputation or customers

Snapchat users do not know which item they are buying as well as how to differentiate quality-controlled and well-reviewed items from questionable products.