Facts On CBD

The internet is not low on figures and facts on CBD, but what is ironic is how even with information available so easily, there are still many of us who don’t have the slightest clue on some must-know facts on this herbal medication. However, there is no denying that the number of people who are coming face-to-face with CBD due to this easy access to information is increasing day by day.

Let us have a look at some of the otherwise lesser-known facts about the CBD products that are resting on your shelves. Read on…

CBD Won’t Make You Flunk A Drug Test

This is something that people get wrong most of the time. Drug tests detect the percentage of certain psychoactive substances in the body. If the percentage in the subject is beyond a permissible limit then it causes one to fail a drug test, if it is below the norm then one passes it. In the case of CBD, much like marijuana, it checks for the percentage of THC, tetrahydrocannabinol which is an intoxicant. It is the same substance that causes intoxication and euphoria when one consumes marijuana.

The percentage of THC in CBD hemp is around 0.3% of the dry weight, compared to a staggering 40% of the dry weight of marijuana! This is the reason why taking CBD products will never intoxicate you as the percentage of the psychoactive substance present is far too meager to make an impact. You can sail through your drug without sweating a bead!

You Can Actually Cook With CBD Oil

It might come as a surprise to you, but you can actually cook on low heat with CBD oils. The smoke point of hemp CBD oil is low as just 332 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that you cannot use it to fry and sauté over direct heat. If you do this, the oil will lose its effectiveness and potency as a result of it undergoing breakdown due to the application of heat. You can add in the effects of CBD, by simply drizzling the oil onto your salad or your unheated foods like brownies, soups and coffee. Don’t attempt to grill in a steak with CBD oil; you will more than likely ruin an otherwise perfect cut of meat!

CBD has plenty to offer, and the mix has more than just one cannabinoid means that you will be able to further boost the effectiveness of the oil. Jump on over to the CBD side!